Thursday, September 8, 2016

冷笑話學英文 Why do riot police like to get to work early?

Why do riot police like to get to work early?

To beat the crowd.


Riot police:
     Riot 是暴動,也是英雄聯盟的公司,所以才有所謂的 Riot Skin (Riot 造型),都是鎮暴警察系列的造型。
     Riot police 就是鎮暴警察。

順便推薦一下 Kaiser Chiefs 的 I predict a riot (我有預感會有暴動)

get to work:
     I get to work at eight. 我八點上班/到公司。

To beat the crowd:
     是一個俚語。這裡的beat 有打敗,贏過的意思。crowd 是群眾。
     beat the crowd 就是贏過群眾,意思是比大家都早到,避開人群。
     We should leave early if we want to beat the crowd. 如果想避開人群的話我們應該提早出發。

    但是beat 也有另外一個意思。打人,毆打。


Why do riot police like to get to work early?

To beat the crowd.

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